FlightPath Blog Post
Whether you are a beginning player or have been commanding the fairways for years, chances are, there is still much of your game that can be improved. Many of you have probably heard that the best way to raise your game to a higher level is to go out and play golf consistently.
What this idea does not take into account are the time and money limitations that the casual golfer faces on a regular basis. That being said, with a busy week and limited daylight, many of us are left asking the question: “How can I get better at golf if I’m unable to play regularly?”
Well here is your answer: Using a backyard or driving range. You'll save time, money, and even get the opportunity to improve each aspect of your game one by one (which you can't do when playing on a course).
Here are three tips that will give you the confidence you need to take on the course using a backyard or driving range.
1. Target Chipping
Chipping to a target is a great way to improve your short-range game. Simply designate an area on the ground as your target, and shoot for that spot repeatedly.
As accuracy improves, it is helpful to vary the distance between yourself and the target, that way you can practice adjusting your swing and hitting the ball with the necessary amount of power. Over time, this drill will result in the ability to chip more accurately.
1. Target Chipping
Chipping to a target is a great way to improve your short-range game. Simply designate an area on the ground as your target, and shoot for that spot repeatedly. As accuracy improves, it is helpful to vary the distance between yourself and the target, that way you can practice adjusting your swing and hitting the ball with the necessary amount of power. Over time, this drill will result in the ability to chip more accurately.
2. Mid-Range Impact
Every shot in golf is of great importance; however, the strength of your mid-range game will be what ultimately results in whether you have an upcoming shot for birdie or bogey when you get to the green. The start to improving your game is to pay close attention to how your club face is impacting the ball.
The best way to do this is to fix your shot so that you can have a more controlled impact on your approach shot. Take a marker and mark the ball prior to swinging. After you take your shot, monitor your club face to see where the impact occurred. If your shots are pleasing, then focus on impacting the ball with the exact same spot of the clubface consistently. This allows for improved control and may allow you to avoid rushing your approach shot.
3. Drive Alignment
Along with improving the shot impact of your irons, you can quickly improve driver to ball impact by monitoring the alignment of your swing. To do this, all you need is a driver and an alignment stick. Place the stick on the ground in a way that represents the path the clubhead will take during the swing. Have someone take a video while swinging as if you were striking a ball. Do this repeatedly, then watch the video to see how you can improve. Focus on making sure the clubhead follows the desired path consistently. Doing this will result in improved impact with the driver, and ultimately, straighter drives. Check out Flightpath Golf Tees to make sure your ball hits where you want it to. Head to the Course! With these three drills, you can easily improve the important aspects of your golf game. You no longer have to question how to improve without being able to go play golf. Next time you play a round, you will be confident that your golf game has improved overall.
3. Drive Alignment
Along with improving the shot impact of your irons, you can quickly improve driver to ball impact by monitoring the alignment of your swing. To do this, all you need is a driver and an alignment stick. Place the stick on the ground in a way that represents the path the clubhead will take during the swing. Have someone take a video while swinging as if you were striking a ball. Do this repeatedly, then watch the video to see how you can improve. Focus on making sure the clubhead follows the desired path consistently. Doing this will result in improved impact with the driver, and ultimately, straighter drives. Check out Flightpath Golf Tees to make sure your ball hits where you want it to. Head to the Course! With these three drills, you can easily improve the important aspects of your golf game. You no longer have to question how to improve without being able to go play golf. Next time you play a round, you will be confident that your golf game has improved overall.
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